Integrated-Aqua is committed to designing, fabricating and supplying water filtration & tank systems that conserve water, are energy efficient and that are built in the USA from long-lasting high quality materials. Our expertise and work focus is primarily centered on recirculating systems and equipment used to support live animal holding, breeding, display and research, however our interest in other water-related industries, current issues & events, technologies and systems spans a much wider spectrum of "Aqua" industries.
We created Integrated-Aqua Community Forum in order to:
A.) Provide a central information and news resource for water related topics
B.) Promote education on relevant water-related topics and,
C.) To encourage collaboration by offering a networking hub between engaged individuals, companies, professionals and organizations in various water-related industry segments.
We are currently covering the following topics:
aquaculture, aquaponics, hydroponics, graywater, rainwater harvesting, drinking water filtration, wastewater treatment, landscape water reuse, algae for biofuel, and...?
Please join us on Facebook and feel free to post an article, suggest a book title, or mention your company in this Integrated-Aqua Community Forum.